How much do you know about wild camping tips and tricks?
Wild camping is a blanket term that encompasses pretty much every type of camping outside of the boundaries of a regular campsite. Camping on a campsite, in your backyard or in a music festival is just regular old camping. Camping near enough anywhere else is wild camping. If you're pitching a tent at a campsite, you'd normally leave it up for a good few days in the same spot, whereas the beauty of wild camping is that you can spend most of the day hiking further into the wilderness, then pitch your tent from sunset to sunrise before moving on to your next location.Best UK Wild Camping Sites - Please tell no one shhhh
The laws on the legalities of wild camping differ so much from one spot to another that you really need to start from the beginning with every new location you want to pitch your tent.
You can get yourself into a bit of bother by pitching where you're not allowed, or worse yet get yourself a fine from the police or local authorities. But a quick Google search should reveal whether or not wild camping is legal in the area you're aiming for, and you'll no doubt pick up some other valuable tips from local experts while you're there. Another great way to do this is to find a local Facebook group focused on the outdoors in the area you're heading to, or call a local outdoor centre, as not only will they be able to tell you the legalities of it all, they’ll be able to give you specific local tips for wild camping tips as well.
There are various reasons why this is a great wild camping tip. The first is that it means you'll be carrying less disposable packaging with you and so have more room in your pack. Simple. The next thing is to do with wildlife. Concerns over wildlife are particularly important if you're camping in a national park or a large open space with lots of different animals around.
You don't want to wake up in the middle of a night to a moose popping his head in your tent, do you? A good wild camping tip here is to bring reliable, sealable food containers, even if the food you've brought with you is already packaged. Animals, particularly the larger, North American ones, will have no problem coming up to your tent to see what's going on if they can smell food. There's even a market for bear-proof storage containers online, proving that this isn't just a wild camping tip, it's a wild camping industry!Return to the wild: How to go wild camping in Ireland
The tasty wild camping tip you've all been waiting for – what exactly should I do with my human waste? It's a natural question. How do you deal with wild camping poo? And one that you probably thought you solved for good when you started using the potty at the humble age of two years old. But now, here it is, back again to rear its ugly head.
The most important wild camping tip for relieving yourself in the wild is that you do it considerately. Make sure you choose your wild camping toilet site at the very least 50 metres away from any nearby water source, for the benefit of all local wildlife and dig a hole in the ground that is roughly 15-20cm. Enough to cover it properly.
The unfortunate downside to pooing in the wild is that you really shouldn't leave any toilet tissue in the ground with the waste, as it'll take a long time to decompose and will likely, at some point, be found and dug up by some poor animal. You need to carry it with the rest of your waste. A great wild camping trick here is to bring sealable, ideally compostable or degradable bags for the paper you use, ensuring there won't be a rotten smell coming from your backpack.
When you're in the great outdoors, hiking all day, you're going to need to drink water, but the longer you stay out there, the more difficult this can be – as you're also bound to run out.
The wild camping tip here is to get yourself a water filtration system. There are quite a few on the market now. This basically means you can pick up water from any old river and drink safely in the knowledge that it's bacteria free. Though if you've followed tip three alright, it should at least already be clear of any human waste.
The idea of lighting a big open fire in the wild is quite a dreamy one, we know. It was, after all, our opposable thumbs and ability to make fire that set humanity apart from other mammals and allowed us to build houses and cities and create jobs and – maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all... anyway! While open fires are lovely, they can be dangerous in the wild and can lead to the scorching of small or vast parts of the local environment.
By bringing a gas wild camping stove with you, you'll make sure you leave no trace while you're cooking. You can get great, inexpensive options on the market now that come with windproof devices and regulators that make them far more reliable.Best Hiking Compasses Under $50: Best Cheap Hiking Compasses - Outside Pulse
Mobile phones are great, especially for navigation and emergency situations, but they also have infamously low battery lives. Especially at the moment when you really need them.
If you want to keep yours going longer than normal, there are a bunch of great options for portable chargers that you can take wild camping – we'd recommend looking for one that is solar powered – but at the end of the day, you can't beat the reliability of a map and a compass.
Our final wild camping tip is one of the most important. When you're picking a tent for wild camping, you'll want it to be as light and as tough as possible. You'll notice that seasoned campers and hikers will have tents custom-made for this purpose. They'll normally be small, with very little space inside except to sleep, but will weigh next to nothing while remaining indestructible.
To avoid claustrophobia, if this is your first wild camping trip, you'll maybe want to start with something with a bit more room and see how you get on... but don't bring your dad's heavy eight-person tent into the hills. You'll regret it within about an hour of starting the hike.
Travelling light is probably the most important thing to remember when you're picking up your gear – whether it's something small like the head torch or insect repellent, or something bigger like the sleeping bag, mat or tent. Every gram adds up and the less you can carry, the more enjoyable your hike will be. And it's less a wild camping trick than it is sage advice, but make sure you pack properly too, with the heaviest stuff at the bottom to help your back out.